Rush Limbaugh has said he is going to leave America and go to Costa Rica for healthcare should the U.S. pass healthcare reform. Click here.
Well, go right ahead. I'm sick and tired of everyone talking about where they are going if one thing or another happens in the U.S. I heard people say they were going to leave the U.S. if Barack Obama got elected. And, guess what? They are still here. I hear all these old docs say they will just retire if healthcare reform is passed. Well, guess what? Most of them won't.
I say, "Let em retire, let em go to other countries, and let em follow through on their threats." I am too young and enjoy what I do way too much to quit being a healthcare provider. And unless I am going to Brazil for mid rif liposuction, calf inserts, and pec reconstruction, I will be staying in the good ole U. S. of A. for all my routine medical care. While I have my doubts about healthcare reform and how we are going to pay for it, I have no doubt that America is a place where doctors will continue to care for their patients no matter what comes out of this debate. Why, you ask, because caring for patients is what we do!