Have you ever been to your optometrist, get your glasses or contacts and not be able to see like you thought you should out of them? In the world of optometry, we call these "Doctor Changes". Somewhere during the exam or the fitting something went wrong. The patient responses may have been fluctuating, the measurement may have been off by a fraction, or the doctor may have given the patient too much or too little power in the prescription. The patient returns and wonders why he or she can not see. Sometimes these patients are very nice about their situation and other times they can be quite angry.
I am writing today in defense of your doctor. In the Bible, one can look to Mark and see just how hard it is to be an optometrist. Jesus was in Bethsaida and they brought a blind man to him. He took the blind man and puts saliva on his eyes and laid his hands on him. Jesus then asked the man, "Can you see anything?" The man looked up and said, "I can see people, but they look like trees, walking." Then Jesus laid hands on his eyes again and restored his sight because for some reason something did not turn out right with Jesus' first treatment. It even took Jesus, a second try to get this man to see.
I do think I am a pretty good doctor, but I can tell you I am nothing like Jesus. And what about his treatment? Plain ole spit in the eyes! I think I will give that a try at the office tomorrow. The fact that we have stories of Jesus healing all kinds of ailments and never needing a second try except here, in and of itself, points to how hard my job can be. Even Jesus needed a "Doctor's Change."
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