Recently we received an invitation to the National Honors Society induction dinner and ceremony for my daughter. On the bottom it stated Sunday attire required.
Growing up in the Bible belt, that meant a nice conservative dress for a lady and a suit and tie or sport coat and tie for the man. Times have really changed. In many Presbyterian and Methodist churches across the south, the dress habits have not changed too much. In the summer you might find a few guys in golf shirts or dress shirts without ties and do see a few ladies donning slacks in these churches. In many southern Baptist and non-denominational churches, it is not uncommon to hear them promote casual wear such as khaki's and golf shirts for the guys and slacks for the ladies. We even have a church or two in middle Tennessee that promoting blue jeans on Sunday.
I am one of those who believes like the Brent Burns' song says, "God don't care what you wear." I also see the other side of the coin. If I had been invited to meet President Barack Obama or Ex-President George Bush, I would probably wear a suit and tie so why would I not give the same respect to God that I would give an elected official.
This brings me back to my original question, Sunday attire required, just what does that mean anymore?
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