Polar ice caps are melting faster than we thought. Scientists are doctoring data and we have emails to prove it. All of the news over the Copenhagen Climate Conference has made me wonder, "What if both sides are right?" What if climate change is really happening and we can do something about part of it? What if climate change is really cyclical as well and there is not much any of us can do about other parts of it?
There are motives for many to stake out positions on each side of this issue. One of my favorite quotations by Aristotle is "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Most of us would be better served on many of our hot button political issues if we listened to the advice of this great philosopher.
I'm not sure which side is correct. Could the truth be in the middle? Maybe both sides are correct in some aspects of this debate. In that case it would go to show that there really is a little truth in everything.
Lisa on facebook says, I listened to NPR today there was a lot of dicussion on that topic. We need to take care of our planet.
Jonathan on facebook says, "could the answer be the the middle? what if both sides are correct?" way to state the obvious pops. compromise is normaly the best solution. and the reason hot topic arguements and debates like this come up is simple. there is no right answer. thats why its able to be debated.
Rob on facebook says, to offer another opinion, the road to hell is paved with compromise. Compromise is what got us the government we have today...
Copenhagen has very little to do with climate, and EVERYTHING to do with power and control...
Leastways, that's the way I see it...
Lisa on facebook says, Seems you have some right wings in the friends and family.
Rob on facebook says, Libertarian actually... which has its roots in classic liberalism. (note the small "l", very important). Very little difference in today's "Conservative" or "Liberal" factions as both advocate government as the solution to all problems, even those created by government. You'd probably be very surprised at my views on hot button issues of our time...
... and yes... I LOVE to argue politics....lol...
Lisa on facebook says, Libertarian actually... which has its roots in classic liberalism. (note the small "l", very important). Very little difference in today's "Conservative" or "Liberal" factions as both advocate government as the solution to all problems, even those created by government. You'd probably be very surprised at my views on hot button issues of our time...
... and yes... I LOVE to argue politics....lol...
My post was more about finding the truths that both sides may hold and examining the ramifications of those truths with an open mind...compromise may or may not follow. As for the road to hell, I think I will take my chances on compromise. We all make compromises in our marriages, friendships, working relationships, and life in general. There are times to make a stand and times to compromise. I would argue that government is not working well because of the lack of compromise on the left and the right, but I'll save that one for another day.
Scott on Facebook said, global warming & carbon emmissions syndrome are all propaganda machines used by the liberal partie(s) to inflate their tax & spend agendas which are already busting at the seams...the origin of the global warming theory??? sci-fy author whitley streiber...al gore put his (streibers) idealism (cleverly enough) into the mainstream media in order to ... See Morecatapult his carbon emmissions suppression "business" (big in many oversea countries, AND here, now) he has managed to turn a myth into a multi BILLION dollar business! and now. guess who's gonna pay for it!!! that's the FACT, jack!
Rob on Facebook said, Yes, compromise has its place but rarely if ever does the private citizen gain when two self serving sides compromise. Compromise, on a case by case basis, can be determined by asking the question "Always?, Never?, or Sometimes?" Sometimes is a compromise. As for Copenhagen... Allow regulation of US industry by an international consortium? ... See MoreNEVER! No compromise.... not one thin dime is to be given.
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” - Barry Goldwater... one of the last true statesmen...
Easy Fellas! To be honest, I have mixed opinions on the issue. I was just trying to get both sides to entertain the other sides position, not accept that position. Obviously, that can be difficult with issues like this. Thanks for the comments.
Lisa on Facebook says, Don't back out now...you really started something
Wade on Facebook said, It concerns me that the climate change advocates will go to great lengths to silence those who question the science, especially now that the "science" has now been called into much question. It concerns me when I hear talk of a new world government, a world energy tax, and a transfer of wealth from the US to 3rd world countries. And it really concerns me when I think of our energy costs doubling in this country and all the jobs that will head overseas and what that will do to our already reeling economy. Much more (unbiased) research needs to be done on the climate change issue and cap and tax is never going to be a good idea.
Rob on facebook said, I want to cut off all of your toes... you want me to cut off none of them. Want to compromise? How many will you give me? Why not? Would you fight me for them? And if I get just one.. next year I'll be back for more.
Wade... to your point... note that manufacturing done overseas is most likely done where there are little, if any, ... See Moreenvironmental regulations. We shut down a "dirty" plant in the US (relatively speaking) and shift production to a plant in China with ZERO environmental regulation powered by a coal fired electrical plant with ZERO environmental standards. Doesn't do a whole lot of good, huh..
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