Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Do men get PMS? Pre-man-strual Syndrome!

Today, I submit to you that all men get PMS. Before all my male friends bombard me with emails and comments, please hear me out. It's not the same PMS that our female counterparts experience on a monthly basis. It's our own type of moodiness centered around other areas of life. It's that moodiness that flares up when it is raining on a perfectly good fishing day. It's the cramps that come from being out on the golf course while our lady is at home all teed off that we are spending 4 hours out of our day chasing a little white ball. Instead of a craving for chocolate, it's a craving for a beer with the guys. Come on men, you know that feeling. Don't deny it. Admit it! It's male PMS. Premanstrual Syndrome! The only problem is this condition can not be cured by a pamprin with a midol chaser. It can only be cured by a little guy time on the river, lake, or golf course. It can even be cured with a little guy time at the local bar. Embrace it men. It's your first step to a cure.

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