Monday, June 15, 2009

Look Who We Are Following!

Years ago my wife, who is Roman Catholic, was in a Bible study with several Baptist ladies. One of the ladies in the group made the comment that Catholics just don't understand salvation like the Baptists do. This lady may have been right to some extent. There is definitely different interpretations of this issue among believers. Differences not only exist between Roman Catholics and Baptists, but there are also differences in interpretation from one protestant denomination to the next. I would even argue that protestants like me to our own degree don't understand salvation like the Roman Catholics do.

One thing that all people forget is that we as believers have more in common than all the differences we have. Many of these shared beliefs are not always just with Christians but also with Jews.

Everyone in my family has a great sense of humor and we like to find humor in the every day activities of life. So when Julie saw the truck above, she said, "LOOK WE ARE ALL FOLLOWING JESUS!" Of course she was joking about the truck when she said this, but I began to think that it really would have been a great response to the Baptist lady several years ago.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Wonder If?

On the way to the beach this week, I noticed several billboard signs as well as hand painted signs with messages like this. "REPENT OR BURN IN HELL" These signs can be seen scattered throughout the Bible belt states from time to time as one drives across the south. I am not a big believer in this type of "in your face" religion. But after seeing all the signs (pun intended), I wonder if...they make a difference?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Handwashing in Alabama

This week we have traveled to Gulf Shores, Alabama to enjoy some rest and relaxation at the beach. Gulf Shores is called the "Redneck Riviera" for good reason. I love it down here but it always provides me with things to ponder. This week is providing lots of little topics to explore in the blogging world.

The first is the topic of hand washing. On the trip down, we stopped at a restaurant for lunch. While in the restroom, my son saw a boy around the age of 6-7 years old using the restroom. The little boy's father stood watching as he finished his business. The little boy started to head over to the sink to wash his hands. That is when my son heard the father exclaim, "You are not prepping for surgery boy, let's go eat."