I thought this was kind of silly at first. On facebook, people post 25 things about them and tag 24 other people to share the same with them. After reading about friends, the idea became more interesting. As I pondered my 25 Random Things it was somewhat therapeutic to examine myself. I recommend that everyone sit down and do this. It might just make you laugh and it might make you cry. Good therapy nonetheless.
1. A 97 year old patient once told me that the secret to a long life is "Good Whiskey & Good Women". I think I will take my chances with "Good Wine & One Good Woman".
2. Life is more about what one does than what one says, even though I tend to say way too much.
3. I believe that real men don't wear crocs.
4. Call me old fashioned but I still think nothing is more classy than a man in a nice suit with his lady in a smoking hot dress.
5. I enjoy cooking and grilling, my brother calls me Bobby Filet.
6. I believe the more a man does around the house, the higher the woman raises the bar! Tomorrow I resolve to start doing nothing. That bar needs to be lowered again.
7. My identical twin and I split our brain matter when the egg split. We are really not all that smart, we are just overachievers for the IQ that we have.
8. I believe that when most of us get to the end, we will regret what we did not do rather than what we did in life.
9. I find flyfishing for trout to be much more relaxing than hunting for my golf ball way out at the ladies' tee these days.
10. I believe when placed in a room full of 5 hardcore conservatives and 5 hardcore liberals, that even I could build some conscensus. Now why can't the elected officials in Washington, D.C. do the same?
11. I once wore a speedo on the beach at Gulf Shores to win a bet with my wife!
12. I won the Mr. Middle Tennesse Bodybuilding Competition in the "Over 40" category. OK, I made that one up but the speedo story is true.
13. My lucky number is 13.
14. I hate runners who talk about all their endorphins and the Runner's High they get when running. All I get is shin splints, arch pains, and out of breath.
15. There are only a few things that taste better than a glass of good wine, except maybe that second glass.
16. If you can't say something good, then don't lie!
17. I have a 16 year old son and a 13 year old daughter who drive me crazy...in a good way!
18. I can not stand bagpipes and men in kilts. Only women should wear dresses. I have a friend that says the only good sound a bagpipe makes is when it hits the accordian at the bottom of the dumpster.
19. For all you theologians out there, I believe that God chose you before you chose Him so get out of here with your alter calls, sinner's prayers and semi-pelagianism. Love God and live life as a response to Him choosing you and not out of fear that you are not going to heaven!
20. In warm weather, you can find me on my screened backporch, sitting on the swing, and hanging out with my family and friends.
21. I would rather have dinner at my home with 4-5 couples and 8-12 children than go to a nice restaurant with only a few people.
22. I hate cold weather and I love the beach in LA! (Lower Alabama)
23. I am color blind as is around 10% of all males on the planet.
24. My wife is full blooded Italian (maiden name Palazola) and Roman Catholic. Her grandparents on both sides came from Italy. How did she end up with a Heinz 57 like me?
25. I have been married to my crazy Italian wife for almost 19 years and I love her more everyday.