Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays, Too!

Just about everyone over forty remembers the days of Merry Xmas being plastered all over the store fronts and all over the windows of homes. It was a sight to see, that is until we started to put Christ back into Christmas. It became politically incorrect to use Xmas for Christmas. Now, it seems as though Merry Christmas is under assault and the politically correct greeting is Happy Holidays.

Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays in the view of many Christians is just another way that the secular movements in our society are trying to remove any talk of religion or God from the public forum. However, I am here to point out that my fellow Christians, who are so "up in arms", may indeed be wrong. "X" arose out of the Greek and is used in many Eastern Orthodox icons depicting Christ. Holiday is a word derived from the Old English word Holy Day. So in essence, both of these sayings which stir up so much emotion with many Christians actually represent in their own way what Christians are trying to preserve.

As if an all knowing and all powerful God could be pushed out of Christmas just by removing the word Christ or the greeting Merry Christmas. If that were the case He would not seem very omnipotent or all knowing to me. Now, I know some of you will say that my rantings above are just my Presbyterian beliefs that come from Calvinism. If I am honest with myself, you are probably correct. But, this year I just want to scream "MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS, TOO!"

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