Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Politicians-Like You and Me-Could It Really Be?

Every 4 years it is about more government, less government, more taxes, less taxes, life of the unborn, supreme court litmus tests, and dirty campaign ads. Tomorrow we will all wake up Americans. We live in the greatest country in the world. We will wake up with a new president tomorrow who may be republican or democrat. Most of us will go back to work, schools, and churches and work in communion and fellowship with those of like and different views. We will work together with Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Athiests, Muslims, Black, White, Asian, rich, poor, old, young, and all other sorts of people. Although we may not all agree, we will work toward common goals and making this country and our world a better place.

The unfortunate thing about our politicians is that the loosing party will start running for president tomorrow. Rather than getting together to solve the problems that affect the nation, they will hit the television talk shows and radio shows and do everything they can to take down the other party. That is so that they can get their party elected the next election.

I, like most of you, will be going to work tomorrow and going to help as many people as I can. I may not agree with everyone who works around me ideologically, theologically, or politically but tomorrow I will be going to work with them to make this world a better place.

My hope and prayer is that the politicians will wake up tomorrow, that they will go to work with one another in harmony, and that they will get something done to make this world a better place. Then and only then, will politicians truly be...like you and me.

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