Monday, August 3, 2009

Where's Your Smile?

Do you know anyone who never smiles? What is it with these people? It has been proven that the mere act of smiling releases hormones that make one happier. When I am driving down the road thinking about the problems in "my world", I try to remember this little fact. When I smile, guess what? My problems don't go away but most of the time, I do feel a little better.

I have one acquaintance in particular who never smiles. I am not kidding, this person never ever smiles. Sometimes when I see this person, I make a game out of trying to make her smile. I know my humor can be bad sometimes, but even on a bad day I can elicit a small smile out of most people. Never happens with this person! I know smiling won't solve all the problems of the world, but I think it's a start.

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